Hannah prayed hard for a son. God gave her a son whom she named Samuel. She promised Him that she would give her child back to the Lord so that he could serve the Lord for his whole life.
So when Samuel was about three years old, Hannah took him to the temple to help Eli the priest and live there. Eli had two sons who were very wicked and disobeyed God.
As Samuel grew older, he learned to obey God and help Eli at the temple. His parents came to see him every year and brought him a new robe.
Eli knew that his two sons were wicked. He asked them to stop sinning, but they wouldn't listen to their father. God decided to punish them.
One night while Samuel was in bed, he heard a voice calling. He thought it was Eli but Eli said, "I didn't call you." It happened three times and Eli realized it is the Lord calling Samuel.
He told Samuel to respond "Speak Lord, I am listening" when the Lord spoke to him the next time. And so he did.
The Lord told Samuel that He was going to punish Eli's sons because of their wickedness. When Eli found out, he said, "He is God. It will be done as He sees fit." Eli's two wicked sons were soon killed in a battle against the Philistines.
Eli was sad, but he was glad that he had Samuel to help him. All of Israel recognized that Samuel was a prophet of the Lord.
Bible Stories,
Of all of his 11 sons, Jacob loved his son Joseph the most and he bought Joseph a coat of many colors.
His jealous brothers sold Joseph as a slave to wandering traders and pretended he had been killed.
Joseph was taken to Egypt and thrown in prison.
And even in prison he succeeded for God was with him in all ways. He interpreted the dreams of the King of Egypt (Pharaoh).
So he was freed and made the Prime Minister.
Now there was famine in the Land of Canaan where his brothers lived so they went with Jacob to buy wheat.
When Joseph realized these were his brothers and father, he invited them to live in Egypt where they prospered along with him.
Bible Stories,
God Feeds His People - Pt. 4
So God told Moses that He would provide bread from heaven for the people of Israel to collect.
And the next morning, a round fruit appeared with the dew. So Moses told the children of Israel that this was the bread which God sent them from heaven. And it was called manna.
And quails also covered the land so that the children of Israel would have meat to eat.
Later the children of Israel cried out for water.
And God told Moses to strike the rock at Horeb. Moses struck the rock with his staff, and water sprung forth.
So the children of Israel had bread and meat to eat, and water to drink. And they marched on through the desert, confident that God had blessed their journey.
Bible Stories,
When God promised them a son, Sarah laughed.
And so, she named her son Isaac, which means laughter. For Abraham and Sarah once again laughed, but in great happiness, when Isaac was born.
When the time came, Abraham sent his servant Eliezer to find a wife for Isaac. And Eliezer saw a young lady who offered him water for his camels, even before she drew water for herself.
He knew that this helpful and kind young lady, whose name was Rebecca, was the right bride for Isaac. And so, Isaac married Rebecca.
(Genesis 21:1-7 and Genesis 24)
Bible Stories
Tower of Babel

"Why not we build a glorious city and a magnificent tower that reaches the heaven?"

"Good idea!". "Splendid!". "Yay!". The reason they could agree with each other was because they all spoke the same language.

They could all work together and they started building the tower.

God was unhappy about the people becoming arrogant and decided to destroy the project by confusing their language.

"Give me a brick!", one person would say but another person gave him a hammer.

"Give me a drink", one person would say but another person gave him a brick.

They realized they could not work together anymore and those that spoke the same language went away as a group.They quit building the city and ended up all over the world.

It became known as Tower of Babel because God made everyone at that time sound like babbling to each other.

Bible Stories
Cain and Abel
After Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, they felt sorry and God told them they can show Him how they felt by sacrificing a lamb. So they did that for many years.

They had two children, Cain and Abel. Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd.

Adam and Eve told their sons about sacrificing a lamb to God as a form of worship. Abel wanted to make it special for God so he sacrificed his best lamb.

Cain, on the other hand, felt that it would be a waste to sacrifice his best possessions so he gave God his extra straw rather than his wheat crop.

Cain watched his brother's lamb being burnt up completely on the altar, compared to his straw which never really caught fire at all. It showed that God is in favor of Abel's sacrifice.

Cain was angry and jealous; so he killed Abel.

And the Lord spoke: "Cain, where is your brother?". Cain answered: "I don't know. Am I my brother's keeper?"

The Lord punished Cain for his deeds by putting a curse on him for the rest of his life.

Bible Stories,
Cain and Abel
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