Meet the Characters! (so far)

Hi friends! Thanks for reading until this post! Let's invite all our previous casts back on stage and remember what they're all about!

Hi guys. I'm Jesus. I'm 12 years old now, according to the latest cartoon drawn about me. I'm probably going to grow up in a few posts' time so stay tuned!

Oh hi... We're Adam and Eve. We actually had two sons but the story about them is not drawn yet. It's a sad story though... hopefully the story of our family will be told..

It's sad to realize that whenever you see a rainbow now, you think of "light refraction" instead of NOAH! I survived a WoRLD FLOOD! Isn't that worth remembering!?

Hi I'm Moses. Whenever you see the sea (or maybe just water), remember how God gave me the power to split them apart! Noah's just floating around the sea... so yeah, remember me.

We are the three wise men! We kind of gave Jesus the greatest gifts ever when we visited him when he was a baby! Hopelly he can recognize us in the streets...

I miss my son...

Jesus in the Temple - Pt.3

When Jesus was about 12 years old He went with His family to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover festival.

As they were returning to Nazareth with the caravan, Mary and Joseph discovered that Jesus was missing!

They returned to Jerusalem and looked and looked for Him.

After 3 days they finally found Jesus in the Temple, sitting with the teachers, listening and asking questions.

All who heard Him were amazed at His understanding of the Bible and God.

Jesus' mother said, "Son, we were so worried. We have been looking and looking for you."

And Jesus said,"Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?"
But He left with them and returned to Nazareth, where He continued to obey His parents and to grow in God's love.

Descriptions adapted from

The Three Wise Men - Pt. 2

After Jesus was born, three wise men arrived in Jerusalem. They had followed the star from their country far, far away.

"We are looking for the baby who was born to be king of the Jews," they said. "We want to worship Him."

They were told they would find the baby in Bethlehem. So they traveled to Bethlehem and the Star continued to lead them.

When the three wise men found the baby Jesus with His mother, they fell to their knees and worshiped Him.

They gave Him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.

Then the wisemen left and returned to their own country knowing that they had seen the child who would one day save all people.
(Matthew 2:1-12)

Descriptions adapted from

Jesus is Born - Pt. 1

Now God sent an angel to a young lady named Mary. The angel told her she would have a baby and that the baby would be God's Son. The angel said God's Son would save all who trusted Him from their sins. Mary was very happy.

Just before the Baby was to be born, Mary and Joseph, who was to be Mary's husband, had to go to Bethlehem. But Bethlehem was so crowded that the only place they could find to sleep was in a stable for animals.

That night, baby Jesus, God's Son, was born.

An angel appeared to shepherds in nearby fields. The angel told them that the Son of God had been born that night. He told them they would find the baby in a manger in Bethlehem.

Suddenly there were angels everywhere, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in heaven, and peace to all people who love Him!"

The shepherds immediately went to Bethlehem to see the Baby.

And then they told everyone about the things they had heard and seen!

Descriptions adapted from

The Escape - Pt.3

Moses went to Pharaoh to ask him to set the Hebrews free. Pharaoh did not want to lose his slaves. He would not let them go, because they worked on his grand buildings.

Awful things began to happen in Egypt. There were ten plagues. Before each one, Moses had warned Pharaoh what would happen. Moses told him the disasters had been sent by God.

The last plague was the worst. The eldest son in every Egyptian family, including Pharaoh's, died. God had warned Moses to mark the doorposts of all Hebrew houses so that Hebrew boys would be safe.

Pharaoh was so upset by losing his son that he said the Hebrews could leave Egypt.

The Hebrews knew they must leave Egypt quickly. They needed food to take with them.

Pharaoh changed his mind again and sent his army after them to bring them back.

The army chased the Hebrews to the banks of the Red Sea. They would have been trapped but a miracle happened. God told Moses to lift up his rod and as he did so the waters parted to make a dry path. They were able to make their escape.

When all the Hebrews were safely at the other shore, Moses lifted up his rod again and the waters of the sea closed on Pharaoh's army who had been chasing them.

God had saved the Hebrews.

God Calls Moses - Pt.2

After Moses grew up, one day he saw an Egyptian man beating up a Hebrew man. When he tried to stop him, the Egyptian man was killed. Moses had to run away from Egypt.

Moses became a shepherd for many years. One day he was watching the sheep near Mount Horeb. Suddenly the Lord appeared to Moses in the middle of a bush that was burning with fire.

God spoke to Moses. First He told him to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground in the presence of God. Then He told Moses that he had to return to Egypt to free the Hebrew slaves.

Moses said to God, "I won't be able to convince the Pharaoh to let the sons of Israel go, and even if I do, why do you think they will follow me. Why should they believe me?

The Lord said, "Throw down your staff." Moses threw it on the ground and it turned into a serpent. The Lord said, "Now pick it up by the tail." Moses did so and the snake became a staff again!

With this sign and others Moses finally believed that God would always be with him to help him do the difficult things God had asked him to do. And so he left for Egypt.

Descriptions adapted from

The Baby in the Basket - Pt.1

The Hebrew people had lived in Egypt many years, and had many children. They lived happily with the Egyptian people for all this time.

But one day there was a new king of Egypt, and he did not like the Hebrew people. He was afraid that because there were so many, they would try to take over Egypt. He made the Hebrews become slaves and he had all Hebrew boy babies killed so they could not grow up to become soldiers.

But Moses' mother had a plan to save her baby. She made a little basket, put baby Moses in it and put it in the river. Moses' sister Miriam kept watch to see what would happen.

Soon the Pharaoh's daughter came to the river. She saw the baby in the basket. She decided to keep little Moses and raise him.

Miriam told the Pharaoh's daughter that she knew a lady who could help take care of him, and she brought Moses' real mother.

So Moses was brought up by both his own mother and the Pharaoh's daughter, in the court of the Egyptian king.
(Exodus 1 - 2:11)

Descriptions adapted from